Topic: Emailing invoices

I'm new to FA and am having printer set up problems - but that's another topic - so can only email invoices from FA at the moment. Right now the auto email is picking up customer surnames and creating an email that starts with "Dear <surname>" . I have no idea how to fix this. My customer cards seem to have first names and surnames entered in that order. Can anyone please help? Thanks!

Re: Emailing invoices

In /reporting/includes/ change the following in the pdf_report

Replace the lines at 1004/5/6 with the following:

$to = str_replace(",", "", $contact['name'].' '.$contact['name2'])
                            ." <" . $contact['email'] . ">";
                        $msg = _("Dear") . " " . $contact['name'].' '.$contact['name2'] . ",\n\n"

Should solve the problem.

Email should the read: Dear Name and Surname
