1 (edited by slewman 04/08/2015 05:43:37 am)

Topic: extension installation instructions - step by step


EDIT : All the below issue are a result of using ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I have reinstalled using ubuntu 12.04LTS and everything is running well

Hi all,

I've been trolling through heaps of posts for an hour looking for a simple step by guide to installing extensions.

Is there a link somewhere on the forum?

There really should be a stick for something like this for my 2 cents


Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

The Wiki is the place to look:

Generic Installation of Addons and their links.

Specific to Modules

3 (edited by slewman 04/02/2015 10:45:55 pm)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

Hi Apthur,

If I go to  Install/Activate Extensions, I am faced with the install extension bage with no options.

Not sure if it's related but the problem is the same for :
  Install/Activate Extensions
  Install/Activate Themes
  Install/Activate Chart of Accounts

Docu seems to suggest clicking these options should make FA populate the list from the githup repo, is that right?

I have net access on this machine. Any ideas?


Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

Install from the official pkg repo from within FA first. Then update the files from my unofficial extensions file set.

5 (edited by slewman 04/04/2015 09:54:18 pm)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

and what are the steps to do = "Install from the official pkg repo from within FA first"

I am an end user, not a programmer.

I've noticed most of the extension installation questions in the forum remain un answered.

unfortunately there are some real holes in the the documentation and answered being provided.

Well intentioned responses but to much assumed knowledge in the replies. Knowledge not covered sufficiently in the documentation.

Hopefully, If I get a solution for this, I can provide some clearly written, step by step instructions for the subject.

6 (edited by slewman 04/04/2015 11:37:30 pm)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

Perhaps and img will help explain the issue better - Lets use your Australia COA as an example.

So far I have :

1) downloaded the en_AU-0000.sql file from your git hub fork
2) copied into the FA SQL directory
3) AS ADMIN loged into the initial company and navigated to install COA
4) I am faced with this page (nothing in the list -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/icbq1u66vugr3p0/Screen%20shot%202015-04-05%20at%208.27.25%20AM.jpg?dl=0


If I create a new company, the en_AU-0000 appears in the list (although it is throwing sql errors which is another issue)

system info:
ubunutu 14.04LTS
mysql 5.5.41
PHP 5.5.9

Can you tell me what possible causes are for this?

Thank you

7 (edited by slewman 04/05/2015 05:13:39 am)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

Update (still not solved)

It seems "not seeing any extension/themes listed in the setup area" is something to do with PHP zlib compression not being installed in ubuntu 14.04

further steps taken"

1) turned on FA debugging

2) clicking on install/activate COA get this msg " www/html/frontaccounting/includes/packages.inc on line 165"

3) google search revealed zlib not installed in PHP

4) confirmed not installed by running phpinfo in doc root

5) installed using these instructions: http://www.namhuy.net/2430/install-enable-zlib-linux-server.html

6) NOTE! if you get this error, like i did -> "Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)"

THEN use these instruction before completing step 5) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1853026

7) reboot apache

8) can see zlib is now on (via phpinfo)

Directive    Local Value    Master Value
zlib.output_compression    On    On
zlib.output_compression_level    6    6
zlib.output_handler    no value    no value

9) and Im stuck again (the same error persisting " www/html/frontaccounting/includes/packages.inc on line 165"

.....but now convinced it's something to do with ubuntu 14 /PHP version.

I hoping someone can point me in the right direction from here


8 (edited by slewman 04/05/2015 06:16:21 am)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

Update 2 (need further test to see if solved completely)

10) found a similar issue in wordpress found here https://wordpress.org/support/topic/php-function-is-disabled-abort-expected-gzopen-updraft

11) added this code to the config.php - >function gzopen( string $filename , $mode, $use_include_path = 0 ) { return gzopen64($filename, $mode, $use_include_path); }

12) now can see the list of extensions / themes / COA' (good start

However this error is thrown (with debugging still on) - > Argument 1 passed to gzopen() must be an instance of string, string given, called in /var/www/html/frontaccounting/includes/packages.inc on line 165 and defined in file: /var/www/html/frontaccounting/config.php at line 290

13) further help needed but getting closer.

Can now:
a) see the theme list and download (but can not activate)

b) see the COA list and download (appears to working when creating new company)

c) see list of extensions and download and activate (yet to see how to use the import transactions function, or see where it lives after activation)

If anyone can assist further with the error and theme installation, thank you.

After a day of banging my head against a wall ,im taking a break to watch the footy and have a beer.

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

update 3 - problem persists.

although It looks like progress on the face of it, i.e. I can see  list of themes / extensions.

I cannot apply a theme nor see the "activated extension" of import transactions

10 (edited by apmuthu 04/05/2015 03:55:38 pm)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step


If gzopen64() function exists, use it else use gzopen() => needs to be implemented in FA.

The said function appears in 4 core files (and not in any extension file):

  admin/backups.php (1 hit)
    Line 102:     if (function_exists("gzopen"))
  admin/db/maintenance_db.inc (1 hit)
    Line 723:         if ($zp = @gzopen(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile, "a9"))
  includes/archive.inc (2 hits)
    Line 441:             if ($fp = gzopen($this->options['name'], "wb{$this->options['level']}"))
    Line 462:         return @gzopen($this->options['name'], "rb");
  includes/packages.inc (2 hits)
    Line 165:     $list = gzopen($file, 'rb');
    Line 220:     $file = $zip ?  gzopen($fname, 'wb') : fopen($fname, 'wb');

Maybe a wrapper function is in order.... fa_gzopen()

@joe: any ideas?

11 (edited by slewman 04/08/2015 01:37:40 am)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

Hi @apmuthu.

I'll be running FA on a VM so I don't "have" to be using ubuntu 14.04.

I'm open to using Ubuntu 12.04LTS if it removes the problem.

Do you know (or heard) if this issue exists in previous Ubuntu versions?

thank you

12 (edited by slewman 04/08/2015 05:44:10 am)

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step


EDIT : All the issues here are a result of using ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I have reinstalled using ubuntu 12.04LTS and everything is running well


Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

For those attempting to use FA on Ubuntu 14.04, replace all instances of gzopen with gzopen64 to get it working.

The following should be self-explanatory:

php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("gzfile"));' 
php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("gzopen"));' 
php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("gzopen64"));' 

The following posts are useful references:
generateSitemap.php gzopen() fatal error on Ubuntu 14.04 (replace gzopen() by gzopen64())
Zlib functions (gzopen etc.) are undefined while gzopen64 etc. exist
Bug #20246     Broken with php 5.5.9

Re: extension installation instructions - step by step

This "Solution" didn't work for me. Not saying it wont work for you BUT please test completely 1st before wasting your time with the setup like I did smile