Topic: Import Transaction issue
I am trying to import journal entries in FA with no luck.
I have installed the module, activated successfully, however whenever I run the import I always receive this error:
Skipped header. (line 1 in import file 'import-test-3.csv')
Error: Debits do not equal credits.
I have tried on my installation as well as the UK demo site with the sample file.
Here is the file I have used:
"reference","date","memo","amount","accountcode","taxtype","dim1_ref","dim2_ref","person_type_id (supplier=1 customer=2)","person_id"
"JNL2",02/12/2014,"Rent outstanding",122.25,7100,1,"D1","D2",,
Can you share a sample that is working?
Any help would be appreciated.