Topic: Selecting a client...

Hi Sir,

If I want to sell something to a client and in FRONTACCOUNT are more than 2,500 clients, then what is the best way to search/filter the clients?

Every client in my country has a Unique Fiskal Number, they may have same name.

the same issue for items if there are 30,000 items, we need filter to choose the correct one.


Re: Selecting a client...

items can be classified into categories stored in the stock_category table.

When a large number of clients / customers / suppliers are there, then use the search option and not the drop down select list.

Setup => Company Setup => Search Items (Suppliers / Customers) List => Check

Re: Selecting a client...

Thank you apmuthu
It was so useful.

Re: Selecting a client...

Selecting a customer!?

It happen to make a mistake then you select the customer!


Until every customer has his GSTNo then can you do that:

Selecting customer with name or GSTNo!?

Thank you,

Re: Selecting a client...

It will be difficult to remember everyone's GST number besides they are generally quite long and the drop down select box will become too wide. Better still would be make a short alphabetical code for customers and implement by concatenation.

Re: Selecting a client...

I mean we can use GST number to verify if we have select proper customer.

I'm using a desktop application for accounting which shows many information until selecting a customer.

something like that:

Re: Selecting a client...

If verification is the reason, then an Ajaxable local label display on dropdown selection change should suffice.