Topic: Anyone super patient to help me install FA ?

I'm trying to install FA and so far, I haven't been able to launch it.

I'm new on a unix-style OS, please be kind with me smile

I'm running:
FreeBSD 10.1
KDE 4.14.2
PHP 5.4.37
Apache 2.4.12
I'm not sure how to check what version of MySQL I'm running, neither if it's running properly.

Basically, I installed FA from the ports, everything went well.

I'm not sure what I should do next.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Anyone super patient to help me install FA ?

Apache 2.4 has a different apache config format which must be taken into account - then FA will run okay. FA generally runs well in Apache 2.2.

If MySQL is running, just run

mysql -u root -p -e 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%";'

Checkout the FreeBSD MySQL page.

Make sure all files and folders under the webroot of FA is owned by the webserver user for starters (secure it later).

Browse to your FA webroot and install from the browser after having setup a MySQL database and a user with all privileges for it and flushing the privileges.

Re: Anyone super patient to help me install FA ?

Thanks for your input and link, I have been able to fix my MySQL server.
It's now running.  I have MySQL version 5.5.41

I'm not sure I understand the last part of you message, what should I do next ?

Re: Anyone super patient to help me install FA ?

Create a database for FA to use.
Create a MySQL user for FA to use to access the FA database created earlier (set all privileges for the user to access the db).

Files and Folder permissions for the FA fileset should be readable and writeable by the web server user.

Re: Anyone super patient to help me install FA ?

Thank you very much for your time.
Unfortunately, my knowledge is too low, I'll seek for help in the real world.