1 (edited by dls 03/18/2015 08:35:50 am)

Topic: manual install of extensions

Are there any instructions on how to install extensions manually.

I 'm running 2.3.22 and using the automatic install in the setup menu get no errors logged and it seems to tie FA up and hang it. All write permissions ok for modules and tmp directory/files

It seems it's the memory limit, due to the archive. I can't increase this. Is there any way round this? I have tried the unpacked extension directory in  /modules/   

Anyone else had this problem?


2 (edited by dls 03/18/2015 09:06:20 pm)

Re: manual install of extensions

I couldn't find much info on loading the module/extensions manually.

For anyone who needs to add a module manually ( specifically rep_tax_cash_basis in this example) The extension file is available from https://github.com/apmuthu/frontaccounting/tree/master/extensions

These are placed in the modules directory and info from the \modules\rep_tax_cash_basis\_init\config file and placed in the file \installed_extensions.php extending the array as below: 

Instructions are given in this file to increment $next_extension_id  also.

  0 =>
  array (
    'name' => 'British COA',
    'package' => 'chart_en_GB-general',
    'version' => '2.3.0-4',
    'type' => 'chart',
    'active' => false,
    'path' => 'sql',
    'sql' => 'en_GB-general.sql',
  1 =>
  array (
    'name' => 'Cash Basis Tax Reporting',
    'package' => 'rep_tax_cash_basis',
    'version' => '2.3.7-4',
    'type' => 'extension',
    'active' => true,
    'path' => 'modules/rep_tax_cash_basis',
    'sql' => '',

The same needs to be done in the company file for it to be active for that company ie \company\X\installed_extensions.php

And that's it.

Re: manual install of extensions

The wiki has it.