Topic: Plug-in Tax Inquiry - Cash Basis reports incorrect input tax
The plug-in "tax inquiry (cash basis) is not calculating input tax correctly. Bank Payments are negative, which is fine, but Supplier Payments are positive, meaning these amounts are being deducted from the input tax total. Please see below:
Type Ref # Date Payer/Payee Tax Amount Gross Output/Input
Supplier Payment 131 133 04.11.2014 Energy 44.50 267.01
Supplier Payment 132 134 04.11.2014 Rent 70.00 430.00
Bank Payment 123 125 06.11.2014 Motor -13.88 -83.26
Bank Payment 115 117 07.11.2014 Shop expenses -283.32 -1,699.90
Supplier Payment 133 135 10.11.2014 Purchases 21.67 42.69
Supplier payments are entered via Payments to Suppliers in the Purchases tab.
Bank payments are made directly into bank via Payments in the Banking & General Ledger.
How can this be rectified?