1 (edited by apmuthu 02/17/2015 07:59:15 pm)

Topic: Backporting rep107 fix in reporting.inc

@joe: Should we not backport the missing parameter fix from FA v2.4 commit to v2.3? rep107 has an extra request form field "Customer Filter" prior to the "Orientation" field.

Re: Backporting rep107 fix in reporting.inc


This is not necessary, because the value in the sixth parameter is 0 (for default orientation). This parameter should have been used for Customers and setting this value as 0 doesn't do any harm. The seventh parameter is used for default orientation and is per default set to 0.

So all in all it is not necessary to back port this issue.


3 (edited by apmuthu 02/17/2015 08:04:33 pm)

Re: Backporting rep107 fix in reporting.inc

So the missing 8th parameter (PARAM_7) will not throw errors. Hence, a backport will be "correct", but is not deemed to be necessary. Backporting will help minimize the differences between files in FA 2.4 and 2.3 to make for easier porting forward of fixes in FA 2.3 to 2.4.