1 (edited by apmuthu 12/28/2014 01:59:23 pm)

Topic: Import Transactions v2.3.22-5 fix and code cleanup

In today's inclusion of Branch Number in the Import transactions v2.3.22-5 extension , please change the several instances of:

($trial == true)



There is also duplication of display notification at the end when $trial is true in import_transactions.php.

The full patch is attached.

The commit is in my GitHub Repo.

Additional formatting of the single lined README.md file and the hashes update are also done.

In fact, the initialisation at line 103 may not be needed ($trial=false;).

Post's attachments

import_transactions_2.3.22-5_fix.patch.zip 9.9 kb, 3 downloads since 2014-12-28 

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Re: Import Transactions v2.3.22-5 fix and code cleanup

Please use the author/maintainer email found in the package info to address such issues in publishes packages in the future, there is no warranty the extension author read this forum.

BTW While it may seem a little redundant to your eyes, both forms are proper and one could judge the current one is even more canonical. This ise disputable, but anyway outside interest of most forum users. Therefore I think this is another good reason to address such notices directly to the author.


3 (edited by apmuthu 12/28/2014 08:17:06 pm)

Re: Import Transactions v2.3.22-5 fix and code cleanup

I have notified the author Ross Addison but got a cryptic auto reply from another email address!

Only one set of redundant notification lines were there that have been removed - all others are equivalent code for ease of readability besides another notification added for the state when on $trial there were no records.

It is placed in the forums so that users can directly partake of it and in context. Also, any eagle eyes that can spot any errors in it would be more than welcome to improve upon it.

Further cleanup has been done.

Post's attachments

import_transactions_2.3.22-5_updated_fix.patch.zip 5.8 kb, 3 downloads since 2014-12-28 

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