Topic: Backup and Restore Database

Hi all,

I can't create backup from"Backup and Restore Database" page recently. It worked fine last time!
Please help.

Thank you.

2 (edited by ericta 11/15/2014 09:27:08 pm)

Re: Backup and Restore Database

dz wrote:

What error it shows?

The progress bar runs for a while and stops with no new sql file appears in the right script window.
Where's the backup sql file save anyway?

Re: Backup and Restore Database


The path is set in the config.php file.

4 (edited by ericta 11/18/2014 07:40:13 pm)

Re: Backup and Restore Database

Yup, No backup generated in the directory.
That's not good...

Re: Backup and Restore Database

check file and folder permissions and db user permissions.

Re: Backup and Restore Database

apmuthu wrote:

check file and folder permissions and db user permissions.

The permissions are fine.
Is there a error log we can check?

Re: Backup and Restore Database

List what permissions your DB User has for the specific FA DB.
Provide versions of PHP, MySQL and Apache used and what platform / OS your server is on (Windows, Linux, etc)?
What is the file ownerships and permissions of the folders / files in the webroot and what is your webserver user:group?
Apache error logs will be based on your apache conf file used - check in /var/log/apache2/error*log or /var/log/httpd/error*log in Linux. PHP Errors in FA are generally found in tmp/ folder under the webroot.

8 (edited by ericta 12/20/2014 08:11:51 pm)

Re: Backup and Restore Database

Hi apmuthu,

Thank you for your input, I think I'm better of hiring someone knows what he's doing.
Marry Christmas!


apmuthu wrote:

List what permissions your DB User has for the specific FA DB.
Provide versions of PHP, MySQL and Apache used and what platform / OS your server is on (Windows, Linux, etc)?
What is the file ownerships and permissions of the folders / files in the webroot and what is your webserver user:group?
Apache error logs will be based on your apache conf file used - check in /var/log/apache2/error*log or /var/log/httpd/error*log in Linux. PHP Errors in FA are generally found in tmp/ folder under the webroot.

9 (edited by ericta 12/23/2014 06:00:04 pm)

Re: Backup and Restore Database

Someone sent me this command script

mysqldump --host="hostingAddress" --user="databaseUserName" --password="databasePassword" "databaseName" | gzip > "~/frontaccounting_$(date +%Y%m%d).sql.gzip"

I used it in crontab, it works great.

Thank you for your help.