Topic: Login Error with the given installation guide

Hi Sir,

I have setup frontaccounting on server and follow the installation guide.

I face the major issues the system allow me to logged in but when I try to enter data like sales quoatation entry it kicks me out.

I have enable javascript,cookie on my browser

On server session.auto_start value is off

session.save_path /tmp

this tmp folder has permission 0777

and inside company folder has permission 0755

I have follow all the instruction still it kick me out.

Please suggest me what should I do.

Re: Login Error with the given installation guide

Does your client get a new IP address between requests? That would invalidate the session.

Re: Login Error with the given installation guide

Also i have the same issue & i want its solution. Please help me to solve my issue.

Re: Login Error with the given installation guide

Please post versions of php, mysql, platform and error logs to help us assist you.

Re: Login Error with the given installation guide


PHP Version 5.4.35


godaddy Linux hosting.

Sir I have to ask is it possible that system allow on some pc logged in and on some pc if we try to do anything it kick out.

Re: Login Error with the given installation guide

You can restrict by IP if you want. Your firewall is the best place for such controls.

PHP 5.3.x is recommended for FA v2.3.x.

Shared hosting has many php.ini restrictions that you may check with their support.
Alternatively, you can actually execute the sql/en_US-New.sql file on your FA database inside the control panel's phpMyAdmin and have it working immediately. The user password is a MD5 hashed by default in the database.