Topic: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

I'm running a small business, and I think FA will be my Accounting solution.
I'm just curious to know if it exist some config file to upload to get the system configured for a defined country.
IN my case... Belgium (french).

Having the inferface in english doesn't matter, but my accountant friend noticed that the accouting code aren't the same for belgium than for the basic install

Is it linked with the language file config file?

If it doesn't exist from Belgium I don't mind to create it.


Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

you can get french language from the install and Activate languages section.

you can Try The COA to get your country
accounting code. Try get Belgium COA from the repo.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

Hi kvvaradha,
and thanks for your reply.
I found in the setup the download section for the french. it doesn't seem to download the french language pack and install it.
But language is not the problem.

about the COA I only see a zip file on the sourceforge.
From this link,

I seem to understand that it's a sql file under the /sql folder from the FA zip. Is it correct?

DO I have to update a sql db file in order to follow the Belgium COA, or there is a belgium COA I did not find?


Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

If you don't mind account names in Dutch, there is indeed a Belgian COA you could use.

I suggest you install it, and have a look. If it looks (structurally) correct, you could replace the account names in the sql file with their French equivalents. You only need to do this for the accounts you actually use, but if you translate all of them the new file can be included in the repo for the benefit of all Belgians. Or, at least, some of them. smile

As for the language pack, I suspect the problem is that it expects the fr_FR locale to be installed on the server, and you probably have fr_BE. If you do get it installed, there may be a few tweaks required but they should be minimal. Even if there are no differences, we should still have a language pack for fr_BE.

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

Hi TM,
I don't mind update the Belgium Dutch COA version, But I just need to know where I can find it...Is it on the sourceforge repo somewhere?
or is it the Dutch from Netherlands COA version (this one is available)

ps: I still don't know how can I activate this COA...?? Help will be welcome.

Thank you,

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

All COAs are in my Unofficial GitHub Repo.

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

OK, I was wrong on that. I could have sworn there was one, but... Sorry.

If you have the accounts in a CSV file, I'm sure Joe can generate the required sql. That seems to be how it's usually done.

On a more constructive note, one thing we might consider would be reusing COAs defined by/for other projects. Has anyone looked into this?

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

Hi Apmuthu,
I don't see in your unofficial repo the be_nl COA,... now somebody can may be confirm me that the code are the same in holland and in belgium. that I don't know.

Meanwhile i'm evaluating the solution to go for odoo (openerp) it seems a super followed project and all setup for belgium already exist.

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

are available.

Take the 2nd one and edit the account head names in the sql.

Now upload the sql into the sql folder in the FA installation and choose it in creating a new company and then log onto the new company.

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

Ok  I will check this.
But So,
If I'm right it's only at start-up that you can select your COA?
because when trying to update the COA of my current FA company it wasn't working.
i'll keep you in touch.

regards and thank you for your help smile

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

All CoA's are used during company creation only. Any changes thereafter in the browser GUI will be reflected in your company's backup sql.

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country


Bidiman wrote - "Meanwhile i'm evaluating the solution to go for odoo (openerp) it seems a super followed project and all setup for belgium"

Have you taken a look at Tryton - a 2008 fork of OpenERP (I have nothing to do with them BTW)

Tryton has a client - server setup, however, the clients are available configured in some Linux distro's e.g. Puppy Linux, Arch Linux, Debian, Fedora and possibly Ubuntu.


I only mention this as I came across something talking about Tryton being Belgium friendly - I think that one of the main devs is Belgian.

Personally, I favour FrontAccounting, WebERP and PhreeBooks for their relative simplicity.

Re: Setup FrontAccounting for a defined country

Tryyon and OpenERP are Python based and not PHP based.