Topic: New company creating - will not let me login

Hi Guys,

I've got some great help on here regarding new company login issues. I've gone through the fixes on other threads regarding resetting the admin password in phpmyadmin, but im stumped.

Right now when I try to log into company 2 (new company), im faced with this error message,

"Access to application has been blocked until database upgrade is completed by system administrator."
Clicking any menu item then returns me to the login screen.

I am able to log into company 1 (the default).

Any Help would be greatly appreciated as i'm loving this product and want to get the most out of it.

Re: New company creating - will not let me login

There is no role assigned for the newly created company admin.   so look the phpmyadmin under security_roles table with respective user id.

if its not helping you than,  recreate a  new company, it will help you.

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Re: New company creating - will not let me login

Thanks for the reply/

My user already has a "role_id" of 2 &  the "security_role" 2 is already set to system admin.

Is this what you mean?

If so the problem persists.

Anything else we can check?

Re: New company creating - will not let me login

Problem is your company sys_prefs table content, or random changes in source code. The message appears when database version found in version.php file is different than 'version_id' record content in sys_prefs table.

Re: New company creating - will not let me login

Thank Itronics,

So what is the solution for this?

I've tried 3 fresh installs and haven't changed any code (not that id know how).

I'm surprised by this because the original demo company works fine. I would have thought this "databse" problem would effect that company too.


Re: New company creating - will not let me login

The error was found in the  ,  The reason for the error is the roles table is not created properly,  so  just replace the security_roles table with  new data  from another source, it will work.   

the  session is not set, if the table is incomplete or the data missing issue.

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: New company creating - will not let me login

Is it the fuzzy logic in lines 43 to 48 in includes/

                        // Give a 5% chance of the session id changing on any request
                        elseif (rand(1, 100) <= 5)