Topic: Installation wizard Step 5

I can't seem to get past step 5 of the installation process.
"Cannot connect to database. User or password is invalid or you have no permittions to create database".

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Sometimes you have to create the database manuelly. Do that and repeat the steps again.


Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Thank you for your quick reply. Yes I've tried your suggestion but to no avail. I still get an error yet In step 2 it happily accepts the mysql server settings. I'm using mysql 5.5.37 might this be an issue?
Again thank you for your interest and
Kind regards

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Did you create your database with UTF-8 encoding and appropriate collation? Did you FLUSH PRIVILEGES after creation of db user and assigning it privileges?

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Thank you for taking the time.
I've tried your suggestion by flushing privileges and also restarting mysql.  I still can't get past step 5. The UTF-8 encoding and collation are currently set at "utf8mb4_general_ci".  Is this correct?
Kind regards

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Yes, the collation is correct.
What platform are you on? Windows / Linux (what flavour)?
What versions of MySQL, PHP and Apache are you using?

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

CentOS 6.5
Apache 2.2.29
PHP 5.5.17
Mysql 5.5.37

8 (edited by apmuthu 11/02/2014 12:31:54 pm)

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

I have tested FA only with PHP 5.3.x and MySQL v5.1.x

Please check your apache error log:

tail -n15 /var/log/httpd/error_log

Also your webroot details

rpm -qV httpd

In your php.ini what is the equivalent of:

error_log = /var/log/php-scripts.log

and what is the last part of the log file on execution of step 5 of the installation procedure?

Did you setup your server using the Howtoforge Perfect Server article?

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Thank you for your help apmuthu but I'm still not getting anywhere with this. I'm not comfortable with the command line and the commands you suggested don't seem to work for me and I can't find any reference to php-scripts.log in php.ini.

I had FrontAccounting running perfectly a couple years back  and installatiion was straight forward which makes me think that it might be a version issue.

PHP 5.3 will get no more security updates but I wonder if, as a last resort, I might try downgrading mysql. Has anyone got FrontAccounting running with MySQL 5.5? Anyway, before I do that I will work through the suggestions you've provided.

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

At last !!
I have varnish running in front of apache and the default.vcl was configured to strip cookies, FrontAccounting couldn't create a seession cookie and so wouldn't work. But now it does.

Thank you for your help and as a newcomer I must say that I found this forum very helpful and approachable.
Kind regards

11 (edited by apmuthu 11/06/2014 06:22:46 am)

Re: Installation wizard Step 5

Thanks @royf442 for the feedback. Your experience in blazing this valuable trail has been incorporated into the wiki's place of honour.

BTW, php errors are generally found in the apache error log at /var/log/apache2/error.log in Debian and at /var/log/httpd/error_log in CentOS by default.

You might want to install the CentOS Web Panel to administer it without going into the CLI. My patched version of the install script is also available. This must be done only on a new VPS (or physical machine) with Minimal/Standard CentOS.