Topic: Remove unused modules

I am looking for a web-based accounting software, especially for General Leadger,
for a new fee-based company.

With FrontAccounting, is it possible to disable some modules like Sales, Purchase and Inventory?

Seems like this is a really good software!

Thanks a lot.

Re: Remove unused modules

yes you can stop loading on the UI. but without its functions, you can't process, finance part .

and by the way , if you go with removing the functional components, which will help you definitely.

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Re: Remove unused modules

kvvaradha wrote:

yes you can stop loading on the UI. but without its functions, you can't process, finance part .

and by the way , if you go with removing the functional components, which will help you definitely.

I'm sorry for my stupidity sad

Could you please explain? I'm not sure I'm understanding you.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Re: Remove unused modules

It's quite tightly integrated, so even for a fee business, you'd likely need sales and inventory to create a fee item to invoice.

The security setting in 'access setup' normally just disables the menu links. There is an option 'hide_inaccessible_menu_items' when set will stop the disabled menu items from being displayed. You may need to add $hide_inaccessible_menu_items = 1 to config.php. It used to be there, but I don't see it in the current release of config.php.

I think kvvaradha was trying to say that if you leave access to components you'll actually find it quite useful. But using the role access permissions and menu item hiding, you can probably get the best of both worlds.

Re: Remove unused modules

Hiding Menu Tabs might make sense. Otherwise, if you want to have an All-Journal system, then stop the other application files from being included and being invoked to be loaded in frontaccounting.php (comment out what is not needed in the following code snippet from the said file):

    include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/customers.php');
    include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/suppliers.php');
    include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/inventory.php');
    include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/manufacturing.php');
    include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/dimensions.php');
            $this->add_application(new customers_app());
            $this->add_application(new suppliers_app());
            $this->add_application(new inventory_app());
            $this->add_application(new manufacturing_app());
            $this->add_application(new dimensions_app());