Topic: End to End Tests

I've started making some end to end tests using Protractor in order to test the FrontAccounting UI.  This will help keep the product stable during any refactoring / improvement.

If anyone would like to add to the test suite (which only has 1 test in it right now) please make a pull request against this GitHub repository.

Currently I've configured the tests to use either Chrome or PhantomJS (which works headless and slightly faster than Chrome).  I'll have a look at putting them up on Travis.


Re: End to End Tests

Included it in the wiki

Re: End to End Tests

The tests are now running on Travis-CI


Re: End to End Tests

Is the URL different from your wrapper github repo?

5 (edited by cambell 03/14/2016 07:49:45 am)

Re: End to End Tests

The GitHub Readme has a badge on it that shows the status of the build; passing or failing.

The full build log can be found on Travis.

Protractor uses the Jasmine test language framework.  Here's a snippet of the test code; it is very easy to read for code, and quite easy to write.

  it('transfers ok', function () {
    expect(page.getTitle()).toEqual('Bank Account Transfer Entry');
    page.transfer('Current account', 'Petty Cash account', '1/2/2013', '11', 'Some memo', null);
    expect(page.getNoteMessage()).toEqual('Transfer has been entered');

If folk would like to contribute tests I can give some guidance in getting setup.
