Topic: Anyone tried Clever Accounting based on FA?

Clever Accounting's Cloud Accounting System is based on FrontAccounting. Anyone used it and if so what is different?

Re: Anyone tried Clever Accounting based on FA?

There is a video link here:

I will have a chat with Janusz about this.


Re: Anyone tried Clever Accounting based on FA?

Yes apmuthu and joe, Clever Accounting is based on FrontAccounting technology.

We love FrontAccounting. The fact that we have based our project on it shows how much we believe in the software. Our purpose is that through our efforts more people actually benefit from the hard work the developers put into the system. In the future when we scale the business, we look forward to contributing more towards FrontAccounting. Alas, for now we are humble company and are limited to giving the odd donation.

The service we offer includes hosting, back ups, training material and technical customer support. We are proud of our work and we do not hide the fact that Clever Accounting is based on FrontAccounting. As you can see it is in our about us page  and even when logging in.

We were actually encouraged to work on Clever Accounting when we saw this page on FrontAccounting's website.

We hope we can succeed in our purpose to bring this software to more people around the world, for the benefit of all stakeholders involved.


Re: Anyone tried Clever Accounting based on FA?

Thankyou @carmelr for the archived link. Wonder why that fine page was removed?
Attached is the screenshot in case the archive is either not accessible or entirely removed under any oblique reasoning.

More than monetary donations, your code contributions and shared experiences in serving out FA would be really valuable.

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Re: Anyone tried Clever Accounting based on FA?

I cannot recall why this page has disappeared. However the page only contained tips on how to earn money on open source software.

But still you must follow the rules of the open source GPL v.3.

Among other, you must share the changed source based on GPL v.3 with the community.


Re: Anyone tried Clever Accounting based on FA?

I agree with you Joe and our intention is to follow the rules of GPL v.3. Please note however, according to the license we are not obliged to share code modifications. This is because we are not "propagating" or "conveying" the software but we are simply making it available through a network.

Notwithstanding the above, I'd like to reiterate our attitude towards this issue. We believe in developing a positive relationship with all stakeholders involved (most notably, FA developers, clients and FA users).

As is visible through my previous posts, I am ready to contribute my expertise (time-permitting) in the forum. I have also contributed some code developments. Unfortunately, they were not implemented though I understand the development team would have its own plans.

Most of the modifications we have done to Clever Accounting are a result of client requests and are minor changes. Joe, I would be happy to discuss these with you over a Skype call (carmelr).

@apmuthu, we would be glad to share our experiences with Clever Accounting. However, this is a bit vague. Again feel free to contact me on Skype (carmelr). We are quite open and wish to be fair.

As I said previously, we hope to build up the number of people that benefit from FA's technology through our model, and this will enable us to contribute further to FA.
