1 (edited by hisapepe 02/16/2013 08:45:41 am)

Topic: Formating Front Account Invoice

I would like edit this invoice ( http://www.hisapepe.com/fainvoice.pdf ),  for example, I don't want the charge branch, shipping company, sales type and deliveries  to appear. I need to add VAT number and invoice number. Also VAT needs to be in same column with subtotal so it can be added up to give total amount including VAT.

I want to format the address too to fit columns, could you please tell me what file to edit?
Thank you.

Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

Since VAT is already included (your price settings), how can you further add VAT to give a total?
Set your prices to exclude VAT and you will have it inline.

Sales Invoice Number is right at the top.

Attached is a mockup of what you need - just make a new invoice format by editing the existing one.

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invoice_layout_to_alter.png 506.7 kb, 1 downloads since 2013-02-15 

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Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

Apmuthu, that is kind of you, thank you, never imagined the prices included VAT. Yes I want to edit the invoice template, can I get the path to the file?

4 (edited by apmuthu 02/15/2013 05:58:11 pm)

Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

Lines 64-69 in sales/view/view_invoice.php (although it is in the same lines of view_dispatch.php as well) can be commented out to remove the Charge Branch box.

start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=100%");
  $th = array(_("Charge Branch"));
  label_row(null, $branch["br_name"] . "<br>" . nl2br($branch["br_address"]), "nowrap");


Other elements can be found there likewise.

Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

Thank you so very much

6 (edited by hisapepe 06/19/2014 11:36:06 am)

Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

Been a while since I asked and got the answer and it has been working fine. However yes the TIN/VAT and any other details added to the Invoice are showing perfectly fine, BUT when I export/Save as PDF, the PDF output file doesnt pick the changes I made to the invoice. What to do?? Thank you.

Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

You can either use the PDFCreator or such PDF driver to print from the screen to PDF or modify the appropriate reporting/repXXX.php file to do your bidding.

Re: Formating Front Account Invoice

Apmuthu, thank you so very much!