Topic: Change invoice date
Currently I am entering a lot of purchase orders, items receptions and supplier invoices into FrontAccounting as to catch up 2013.
Because I am transferring to FA from another accounting system I want the booking dates to be equal, or at least in the same period. If not, it will be hell to find back something.
What bugs me all the time is the mistake I make in entering the invoice date.
For both PO and items reception, the default date is the date of last transaction.
However for the invoice date, the default date is today's date. It already happened a few times that I received goods in 2013, but they were only invoiced in 2014. This looks very strange on the 2013 balance sheet. I simply don't want it that way.
I can credit the invoice, but then I lose the connection between received goods and the related invoice. From an accounting point of view the transaction is correct, but it is very hard to trace whether and invoice for those goods has been received and paid.
Question is, if I would hack the database and change the date in supp_trans, and the associated records in gl_trans, would that change the invoice date without side effects. Side effects meaning the database become inconsistent or reporting becoming incorrect.
What I would do, is change the date in supp_trans for that invoice, change the date in gl_trans for records matching the type and type_no.
Is this doable?
I understand this is in no way the recommended way to do accounting. It is also dangerous because a typo could really ruin the database. Therefor I want to write a small script which does these two transactions for me so errors are unlikely once the script is correct. It is also a temporary solution. Once I cleared the backlog in old invoices over 2013, in 2014 I can book invoices as they are received. At least they won't be booked in the incorrect year.