Topic: Issues With Dashboard

i m using v 2.3.19 of front accounting  i have installed dashboard module in it but i m unable to use it properly. dashboard extension is installed and showing the dashboard on the all tabs likes sales, purchase(eg. top 10 customers, last 10 sales and things like that) except on dashboard tab not even showing the add button to add the widget on the dashboard screen.If  from setup if i go to the dashboard setup or reminder setup it gives this error
[an error occurred while processing this directive] .

please help i ll be very thankful.

Re: Issues With Dashboard


1. Make sure you are using dashboard theme, installed and enable/active dashboard module. Then,
2. go to setup tab -> company setup -> access setup -> choose your account's role from list -> make sure dashboard is ticked
3. go to setup tab -> Miscellaneous -> dashboard setup
4. there is a list of dashboard items, ignore them, focus on the bottom of the page there is a table /form
5. fill in the form, and make sure the following
5.1 Choose dashboard from Application Tab.
5.2 **make sure Collapsed is ticked (this is the bug for my database may be yours)
6. click [add new], if success then go to dashboard tab.

Enjoy smile