Topic: Change Customer's Currency


First of all, congratulations on a great product!

My question: often we do not know the currency that a customer wants to use at the time when we create the customer record in FrontAccounting.

Is there a way to change the customer's currency after the customer has been created? Assuming no other transactions have been inputted yet for that customer.

I tried looking at Sales > Add and Manage Customers > General Settings > Customer's Currency (field).

But for existing customers, this is no longer editable.

Thank you,

Re: Change Customer's Currency

If you have done no transactions on the customer you can change the currency by using phpMyAdmin. Look up the debtor_master and edit the customer. Be sure to use the right currency abbreviation.


Re: Change Customer's Currency

Thanks for the response.

If possible, we'd like to do this in the User Interface.

If I am allowed to ask a customization question here, I'd also like to ask for your thoughts in modifying the file in sales / manages / customers.php

Specifically Line 241, where it checks the condition:

if (!$selected_id || is_new_customer($selected_id))

If we implement a code that checks if there are no transactions yet for this customer, then shows the currency dropdown list. Is this a sound concept?

Write the function is_notransaction_customer() and change the above code to:

if (!$selected_id || is_new_customer($selected_id) || is_notransaction_customer($selected_id) )

Appreciate your thoughts.


Re: Change Customer's Currency

Ok, this sounds reasonable. Will have a look at this later.


Re: Change Customer's Currency

This has now been fixed and the HG repository is updated. Will be included in next minor release.


Re: Change Customer's Currency

Great, thanks!