Topic: Replicating data for test environment

Hello all,

I would like to copy the data in my production system to a dummy company I created. How can I accomplish this? what tables do I need to copy ? how can I accomplish this easily?

Thanks for any help.

Re: Replicating data for test environment

Create a backup file. Take this file into a text editor replace the table prefix, X_, where X is your company number, with the new table prefix for your test company. Use this file to be restored on your test company.


Re: Replicating data for test environment

joe wrote:

Create a backup file. Take this file into a text editor replace the table prefix, X_, where X is your company number, with the new table prefix for your test company. Use this file to be restored on your test company.


Hi Joe,

Where can i exactly find the prefix X_, how many are they? sorry for the question.

I have already a backup of my test company and i want to transfer that data to final location.

Regards from Philippines,



Re: Replicating data for test environment

If you have any table prefix it is in fromt of the table names in the .sql file.

If you need to change this into Another number, then use a texteditor.


Re: Replicating data for test environment

joe wrote:

If you have any table prefix it is in fromt of the table names in the .sql file.

If you need to change this into Another number, then use a texteditor.


Hi Joe,

Sorry tried i cannot find it, too many codes there, wisc you can show me where to find it? it's not in the filename right?

Thanks more power
