Topic: how does FA perform with huge data?


past one month i have been using FA and am very much impressed the way it does things. past one week or 10 days, i have been working on customizing FA based on our organizations needs. while doing the customization work a thought suddenly came into my head - how does FA perform with huge data?

i work in a fruit and vegetable processing organisation where we buy fruits and vegetables from farm growers. we buy our raw material i.e. fruits and vegetables directly from farm growers (more than 2000 of them) who supply fruits and vegetables in very small quantities (on an average 50-60 KGs) twice or thrice a week. due to this we use to have a lot of transactions aprox. 1500-2000 transactions a day.

so, i wanted to know whether the FrontAccounting supports such a huge volume of data, I mean around 2000 transactions a day i.e more than 700,000 transactions a year. and don't forget, we will have to keep records of at least a couple of years old.

guys out there who have a knowledge about these issues or people who are already using FA under these circumstances please let me know FA's performance under such volume of data and if you could please suggest me what precautions i need to take.

thank you in advance.

Re: how does FA perform with huge data?

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