Topic: Customizing Templates

Is there anyway to customize the way various forms appear when printed?

I am an Australian user and there is no such thing as VAT so the reference to VAT numbers on the Invoice are invalid.

We do however have to by law call our Invoices a "Tax Invoice" and include our Australian Business Number (ABN).

Is there anyway that this template could be changed to substitute ABN for VAT and change the Invoice heading to "Tax Invoice" ?

I haven't looked at the purchase order yet, but I assume there may be some tweaking required there also.

Is there a quick and easy way to modify this??



Re: Customizing Templates

Yes there is. In the /reporting/includes folder, there is a file called This file is included when the documents are printed out. You can design your own document here, and use the texts in and (domestic and foreign texts).
Please make a backup of before trying. So you can restore if everything go bananas smile

BTW. If there are many texts that need a special translation, you can also create a new en_AU.po file from the empty PO file. There you can change the translating only where you need it.

Re: Customizing Templates

Hi Joe

Continuing my exploration of the program I am a little confused with the invoicing side of things. Sorry but I've got a few questions I am afraid as I am an accountancy illiterate.

1. Can you delete an invoice once you've clicked Place Invoice? If you delete a customer are the sales orders/invoices also deleted? (wandering how to get rid of a test account / invoices once I've finished exploring)

2. Where or how do I add the item price to an item so that it shows up automatically when I select the item on an sales order/invoice?

3. Created a direct test invoice - in Search Template for Invoicing it shows Order # as 1. Click on 1 and details for Sales Order #1 are displayed but there is no button to edit it. The Sales Invoice section refers to # 17 which when I click on it takes to SALES INVOICE #17  - no edit button.

If I click on Invoice it takes me to localhost/frontaccount/sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewInvoice=1 but the reference says 3 - Am I viewing invoice 1 or a new invoice - how do I make bring up invoice 1 and make changes to it? ( forgot to put a price in for the item). The printed invoice says Invoice No. 1.

3. I've got an entry in Tax Groups - GST with GST @ 10%.

In Sales Type created an item called Web - Calculation factor:1.0000;
Tax included: not ticked

Created a company called Test - but it does not show up in the drop down list when viewing Customers but it does exist as the invoice is filled with its details- (just says New Cusomer) - had to search for it before it showed up in the dropdown. Sales Type/Price List: Web

When I print the invoice it doesn't show the GST (don't know if it's because the price is 0.00) 

Actually Sales Order #1 is also shown without the GST calculation.

The system is using rep107.php-7 (that's the title of the pdf file created - incidentally can you change the title to the customer's name and the print date)

4 Customisation

Joe wrote:

you can also create a new en_AU.po file from the empty PO file.

- where is the empty PO file located? Any instructions on how to proceed with that?

Joe wrote:

there is a file called

- do you change just the text in  file to reflect the change in the header file - ie changed:

$doc_Your_VAT_no = "Your ABN No.";
$doc_Our_VAT_no = "Our ABN No.";

The result I got on the invoice is that the headings don't show:
:        : ABN 59053207780

Can't quite see where to change Invoice to Tax Invoice

My company name is rather long and on the invoice under Bank Account only half of it appears - can I make the font smaller or add a return for it all to show?

Also can I add "Account Number" to the heading (Bank Account/Account Number)

I also need to display the Bank's BSB number so that the customer knows which branch to transfer payment to.  Can I create a new field for this in the Bank account setup and have it show on the invoice?

How do I also make the item description show on the invoice? Only the name is displayed at the moment.

Phew!! - one last comment, more of a suggestion which has probably been made before but it would seem to made a lot of sense to me to add a Report Tab along the top navigation to view reports from anywhere in the program rather than having to navigate to each module first to view its reports. Why not have both to save users a few clicks? A maintenance tab would not be a bad idea either for the same reason.

Sorry about all the questions.

Thank you for your time & regards.


Re: Customizing Templates

Help me
I want to print any report
for example, "Aged Customer Analysis", a message appears:
"TCPDF error: Unable to create output file: ../company/4/pdf_files/49b6655831976.pdf"

Re: Customizing Templates

Please check if the mentioned directory exists and is writable.

Re: Customizing Templates

Hi, due to Mexican Tax Laws I need to add specific text on evry invoice, How Can I add this text in every direct Invoice:

"La reproducción apócrifa de este comprobante constituye un delito en los términos de las disposiciones fiscales
Esté comprobante tendrá una vigencia de dos años contados a partir de la fecha de aprobación
Fecha de aprobacion de folios: 04/Octubre/2011
Numero de aprovacion de SICOFI 22455420
Rango de folios aprobados de A0001 al A1000"

thanks in advance,
Jorge Perez

Re: Customizing Templates

You can use the legal text field in company setup.
