1 (edited by mylesinfront 02/16/2014 11:04:11 pm)

Topic: Entering a Zero Opening Balance


I hope I have posted this in the right forum.

I am brand new to FrontAccounting and have been following the setup steps without too much trouble. I wish to start entering deposits and payments, but I believe that, to do so, I have first to set up an opening balance for the bank account(s).

I have followed the first 5 steps in the fawiki First Steps/Opening Balance. Then I come to step 6. which says "Enter the lines from the Balance Sheet one by one. You should end up with a 0 difference because the debits and credits should equal on your Balance Sheet." I don't understand what this means. I don't have a Balance Sheet. I just have a brand new account with nothing in it. So, I enter a $0.00 Credit and click "Add Item", I receive the following Error Message "You must enter either a debit amount or a credit amount." Question 1. Does this mean that $0.00 is not an amount?

Then, when I try to do anything else the autofill puts a Zero amount in the Debit Field. So, now there's $0.00 in both the Debit and Credit Fields. If I then try to "Add Item" I get the same Error Message "You must enter either a debit amount or a credit amount." It seems there is nothing else I can do, so I click the "Process Journal Entry" button and I get this new Error Message "You must enter at least one journal line.". I do not know how to get around this and cannot enter my Zero balance. Question 2. How do enter my Zero Balance. Thank you.

Using 2.3.19

Re: Entering a Zero Opening Balance

Only enter balances that are in your balance sheet (or from trial balance if in mid year). Zero balace accounts should not be entered in the opening balance voucher.