Topic: Search by Branch

I would like to be able to search by branch when I don't know who the customer is.

I maintain aircraft, and each registration number is a branch; a customer may have several aircraft. Often, I can't recall what the customer name is, though I know the branch name (simply by looking at the airplane in the hangar).

Can this be done?



Re: Search by Branch

Would References, Dimensions and / or Tags do?

Re: Search by Branch

Apmuthu - I see where this could be used, but it is quite cumbersome; would be quicker to make a spreadsheet with all customers/branches.

I suppose I could write a short php script to mine the mySQL tables directly.

Thank you for the input.

Re: Search by Branch

Hi chrisklinger

I saw this query and was wondering if you managed to overcome the challenge with regards to searching a "branch" only.

Let me know please.

Re: Search by Branch

Make the Aircraft as the Customer and the Contact Person as the Real Customer to be billed. Better still, make the Aircraft RegNo and the Customer Name concatenated into being the FA Customer.

If you wish to mine the branch table, use, / or some such CRUD program for a quick and effective job.