1 (edited by jel 12/13/2013 04:36:59 pm)

Topic: PDF reports has stopped working

PDF reports has stopped working, reports to Excel/LibreOffice works. How can I debug this?

Re: PDF reports has stopped working

On some newer internet explorer releases, you will have to set the compatibility mode. If you cannot solve this you may use another browser like Firefox or another.


Re: PDF reports has stopped working

It's at least 10 years since I used Windows/IE, I'm a Linux user + Firefox, so that is not the problem ;-)

I have reinstalled FA and restored the database and now it works, strange...


Re: PDF reports has stopped working

I have to open this post again.
Pdf reports works when I only have one company installed. After I have installed another company the pdf printing stops working. ?


Re: PDF reports has stopped working

I had a similiar encounter and my issue has to do with the default language on my FA setup. I discovered that there is an unknown English language installed as default in the setup/maintenance/install/update language.

I installed another English (NZ) language as my default. As I was unable to delete the unknown English language from the menu, I deleted the part of the script relating to this unknown English language in the /lang/installed_languages.inc file.

Logout and login again resolved my pdf printing issue.

Hope this is of some help.


Re: PDF reports has stopped working

The default language is "C" / "POSIX" in FA