Topic: How to setup variable prices based on total monthly sales

So here's what I want to setup:

If a customer orders less than 20 items in a month, each item is $50

If they order 20 or more, then the price is $45 per item.

The problem I'm having is that I'm willing to allow 2 orders of 10 to meet this requirement. Any idea how to set this up? I was hoping to be able to adjust the price per item when I did an invoice against the sales delivery but it doesn't seem like that's an option.

Thanks for any assistance at all!

Re: How to setup variable prices based on total monthly sales

Hi bkoncomps,

Completely understand your business requirement, but such functionality would even be difficult to find in a mid-market ERP system that costs thousands of dollars. You certainly won't find it in any entry-level accounting system.


Re: How to setup variable prices based on total monthly sales

If you invoice your customers monthly, you should be able to conditionally insert a discount. It would require some programming, and to be more generally applicable you would need to keep track of an arbitrary number of rules, but I can't see any reason why it could not be done.

If there is a market, it would be an opportunity for someone with experience/understanding of FA modules.

Re: How to setup variable prices based on total monthly sales

Just to clarify - Items & Inventory -> Inventory Item Movement is reporting the wrong inventory count. All other reports and pages dealing with inventory are correct.

Re: How to setup variable prices based on total monthly sales

There was a problem with the opening balances, but this has been fixed. To go to next minor release.
