Topic: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

I have recently built a FrontAccounting machine running on Ubuntu 13.10. System dianogistics is "green" on everything.

When I try to install any extensions, I get a "Could Not Open" in red across the top of the page. Then I tried languages, same complaint. Then coa, same thing. And finally themes.

I read through forum posts and 'openssl php extension' is discussed and my system diagnostics shows all 'green'.

I will add here that previously I had a Ubuntu 12.04LTS OS running FrontAccounting v2.3.16 and could never get extensions to install but, I thought I had something configured wrong. As it was my 'test' machine I 'blew it out' and built my current setup.

What could be causing my 'Could not open' issue? What should I be looking for?

Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

I suspect you're missing the php5-curl package.

Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

Thanks tm.

I installed php5-curl package and still "Could not open" when I try to install an extension.


Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

Write permissions, perhaps?

Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

i had the same pb, at the end  i gave up. i just installed anything i need manually.


Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

ostertagi, please, can you tell me how you installed manually?

Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

for themes : just unzipped the archive and drop it in the themes folder, they'll appear in the theme combobox.
for languages, you can either install it manually using the FA wizard for that : see install manually, you'll need to download the xx_XX.po and the wizard is pretty straithforward.; or you can create a xx_XX folder under the lang folder, then copy the po and .mo file. you need to set some modifications in, there is a template you can follow.
the extension: it's more tricky. i'll send a more detailled post tomorow (i hope) for the extension installation.


Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages


My permissions are set to www-data:www-data for my frontaccounting directory.

I am hoping osteragi has some time today, as extensions is mostly what I would like to try. (Please, osteragi. If not today, when you have time.)

I want to add here that I really like the detail and completeness of FA. Good work to all who devotes their time to FA!

Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

for extension i download the sources from the git repository. Usually you'll find in the folder extension  a hooks.php which redefine functions from
each function is used to process a certain task during the installation.
for example:   

function install_tabs($app) {
// $app->add_application(new example_class); // add menu tab defined by example_class

all the functions are well documented, sometimes with code example.
well, the trick is to copy files where needed, copy code where needed, execute sql, add access rights ..... etc.
i still don't master all process,  sometimes i need to go through debugging process to find what's wrong. that's it.
hope this help


Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

Thank you ostertagi for your time. I really appreciate it.

What you suggest, is slightly above my skill set, however, I will look into it and give a try. Thanks again.

Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

nothing is difficult if you keep trying. i just started php a couple of months ago, and i'm still learning ....


Re: 'Could not open' install extensions, themes, coa and languages

I agree. It's not that I am not up for a challenge. It's more 'do I have time for this challenge' than anything else.

Thanks for your encouragement.