Topic: no tax countries

Hi to all.
We operate in Dubai and there is no such thing as GST and/or VAT in that country.
I can set no tax but when I print a delivery note or an invoice it shows "TOTAL DELIVERY INCL. VAT".
How can I get rid of that sentence or how can I change it to "TOTAL DELIVERY VALUE" (for example)?

I already examined both and to no joy...

Any hint anybody?

Thank you so much from a very very novice with FA.



Re: no tax countries

The text is in report /reporting/rep110.php.

BTW, if you have many Changes to your text, you could consider creating a special language module, f.i. en_DB or whatever is the language name for Dubai. look at the other English languages like en_US, en_AU en_SG etc. for an idea on how to do that. You can install these from the Setup tab.

If you do that, please share the final results with us. Thanks.
