1 (edited by seahawk 11/13/2013 01:15:54 pm)

Topic: Receipts and Remittance Error


After Installation of FA 2.3.19 I get the following error on Print Receipt after receipt and remittance of Payment.

DATABASE ERROR : query for bank transaction
error code : 1305
error message : FUNCTION iingcoza_frontacc.IFNULL does not exist
sql that failed was : SELECT bt.*, act.*, IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount), IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount), bt.amount)) settled_amount, IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount/bt.amount), IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount/bt.amount), 1)) settle_rate, IFNULL(debtor.curr_code, IFNULL (supplier.curr_code, act.bank_curr_code)) settle_curr FROM bank_trans bt LEFT JOIN debtor_trans dt ON dt.type=bt.type AND dt.trans_no=bt.trans_no LEFT JOIN debtors_master debtor ON debtor.debtor_no = dt.debtor_no LEFT JOIN supp_trans st ON st.type=bt.type AND st.trans_no=bt.trans_no LEFT JOIN suppliers supplier ON supplier.supplier_id = st.supplier_id, bank_accounts act WHERE act.id=bt.bank_act AND bt.type='12' AND bt.trans_no = '33' ORDER BY trans_date, bt.id

Any advice will be appreciated.




Re: Receipts and Remittance Error

error code : 1305 is specific to mysql when it does not recognise a function., in this case, "ifnull". you should probably upgrade your mysql version.


Re: Receipts and Remittance Error


Re: Receipts and Remittance Error

Thanks. It still worked with 2.3.18.

SQL version is: 5.0.96-community



Re: Receipts and Remittance Error

tm wrote:


Thanks tm. This solved the problem. Have added the changed file to my 2.3.19 installation for the other updates that I still have to run.
