Topic: Indonesian Language

Just to inform you, the Indonesian language from the download is a rubbish. If there are ongoing Indonesian trasnlation, please let me know.

Re: Indonesian Language

On and after line 14299, all translations have been prefixed with "#~ "

Take the latest empty.po and the install empty.po files and translate to Indonesian and submit to FA.

Re: Indonesian Language


You are welcome to make it better and fill the gap providing new up to date translation.


4 (edited by mfaa98 12/05/2013 10:30:36 pm)

Re: Indonesian Language


I have manually translate language to Indonesian. Would you mind to check it? I have no accounting background since I'm only a mere newbie programmer.

If you don't mind, please pm me so I can email you my po and mo files. After that we can submit it to FA.