1 (edited by dedode 10/27/2013 05:26:06 pm)

Topic: how to hide checking account?


I have two accounts:
1- 1065 Petty Cash
2- 1060 Checking Account

I want to hide checking account in any side of frontaccounting from other users ( to be not seen by them ) except System Administrator.

How to do it?


2 (edited by apmuthu 11/03/2013 03:23:28 am)

Re: how to hide checking account?

User based Account restriction is not implemented in FA as yet. I do not think it should be done since then the users may not be able to see transactions that involve the checking account.

Re: how to hide checking account?

I hope it will be in FA for next update, because it's very important to make your main checking account invisible to other users.

Re: how to hide checking account?

Could be a deep design decision and the need to Keep It simple S... that no one will be interested to spend time on now at least not before the release of v2.4.x