Topic: how to delete a customer

Hey guys I am an accountant and a new user of FrontAccounting. I am not an IT expert. I have created two new customers in the FrontAccounting software I downloaded recently with the assistance of an IT expert. But I cannot view the customers I created. I now want to delete those customers but still I do not know how to go about deleting them because I cannot even view them.

Here are my questions:

1. How can I view them?
2. If I can't view them how can I delete them.
3. The company that wants to use this Frontaccounting package is not a retailer nor a manufacturer, it's a consultancy firm with CONSULTANCY FEES as only income. How do I put the individual customers who should appear under ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE?

Re: how to delete a customer

Please, make a search before asking questions. Then you would have found the solution to your problem. Go into company setup in setup tab. Unmark the 'search customer list'.


Re: how to delete a customer

joe wrote:

Please, make a search before asking questions. Then you would have found the solution to your problem. Go into company setup in setup tab. Unmark the 'search customer list'.


Thanks Joe, it worked.

Now I request your assistance on how to create individual customer list for posting consultancy charges and get the total amount due from them appear under Accounts Receivable. Note that in Consultancy business there are no Inventories, Sales Order, etc.


Re: how to delete a customer

Please read also the about how to use FA.

You setup your items as service items.


Re: how to delete a customer

joe wrote:

Please read also the about how to use FA.

You setup your items as service items.


Thanks. I got it.