Topic: Steps after voiding an invoice?

So I voided an invoice due to an error on it. Now I'm seeing that the delivery note that was associated with that invoice is showing as already being invoiced and thus cannot be edited either. Do I need to void these as well and start over?

Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

Voiding a Sales invoice automatically voids the delivery and sales order too.


Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

In this case it didn't. Maybe it was the fact that the invoice was a batched invoice? I ended up having to go in and manually void the delivery notes, and recreate all of them. Luckily it was only a few notes smile

4 (edited by elax 10/04/2013 02:25:05 pm)

Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

joe wrote:

Voiding a Sales invoice automatically voids the delivery and sales order too.


In fact, it's a bit more complicated than that.

It deletes everything if the invoice was a direct invoice (ie the order and the delivery are 'Auto'), but only delete the invoice if it was a manual invoice.

bkoncomps wrote:

In this case it didn't. Maybe it was the fact that the invoice was a batched invoice? I ended up having to go in and manually void the delivery notes, and recreate all of them. Luckily it was only a few notes smile

The voiding acts a bit like an undo (which is what is expected), therefore you need indeed to void all the deliveries.

I don't think you would have been happy either if all the delivery have been voided if your point was only to cancel the invoice and maybe batch it in a different way.


Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

elax wrote:

I don't think you would have been happy either if all the delivery have been voided if your point was only to cancel the invoice and maybe batch it in a different way.

My point was indeed to cancel the invoice and batch them differently (i.e. I included 1 delivery in the original batch that I shouldn't). What I saw though was that I couldn't invoice against the other deliveries in the voided invoice since they were showing as having already been invoiced. Is there a way to "clear" this "invoiced flag"?

Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

Maybe there is a bug there then.

Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

Hello again.
What I meant was that when issuing a direct invoice (the underlying delivery and sales order is auto) then the underlying delivery and sales order is voided too when voiding the invoice. It makes no sense to not voiding them too, while you are not using these documents.

When first creating sales order and later delivery and finally creating an invoice, the underlying documents are NOT auto, but have its own numbers, then these underlying documents are not voidid. You will have to handle these documents as you like.


Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

Thank you both for your assistance thus far!

Joe: Is there a way to reset a delivery note so that it doesn't look like it has been previously invoiced?

Re: Steps after voiding an invoice?

Well, the problem here is the stock accounting. So I guess there is is no way to reset the delivery. I was thinking of creating a credit note, but I don't know if this will suit you?
