Topic: Frontaccounting installation - What file to run


I'm new to frontaccountin.I, have downloaded and extracted the TAR into a directory called frontaccounting and am wandering where I go from here. I have read the instructions, which say - 

Enter your_url/account (or whatever directory you entered). This will run the install wizard if this is the first time you run FrontAccounting, setup a drill company and optional populating with initial demo data. You can later on create your own real company. It is a good idea to get familiar with the system before starting your own company. After successfully install, remove or rename your install directory for safety reasons. You don't need it any more.

I have tried entering the URL for the directory into my browser and nothing happens. Isn't there a script or something I need to run.Please note I haven't used Linux in a long time and am getting back into it becasue of Frontaccounting, so the more detail the better for me


2 (edited by apmuthu 09/25/2013 08:21:43 am)

Re: Frontaccounting installation - What file to run

What OS?
What WebServer?
Since you used TAR, assuming linux (example Debian/Ubuntu) and that you already have your MySQL and PHP and Apache2 running and have created your FA database and user and assigned access of the database to the user.

wget https:/
tar -xzf frontaccounting-2.3.18.tar.gz -C /var/www
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/frontaccounting

Make sure that your apache server has it's root folder as /var/www/frontaccounting ( edit the file at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and restart Apache with apache2ctl restart )

Now browse to http://IP.or.FQDN/ and start the web install. Have your FA Database name and user and password handy.

Re: Frontaccounting installation - What file to run

Thanks very much for the reply,

The OS is Linux Mint 15 and the Webserver is Apache(didn't know there was anything else). I downloaded the XAMPP(LAMPP) package to install all the essentials. I tested the PHP scripts in XAMPP and all is working well. By default XAMPP places the files in /opt/lampp/htdocs. the WWW directory does not exist under var, because I guess XAMPP hasn't created it. The XAMPP doco and some of the post's I have read all seem to indicate that 3rd party apps go under htdocs. Given that so many people have used LAMPP I can't be the only person that's a bit confused about where frontaccounting or any other 3rd party app needs to go, can I?

The QA's over at the XAMPP forum are not of much use either. They should do something about that to clear up the confusion about where web accessible apps should be placed. The guys over at the mint forum also said that it needs to go under /var/www. Also where do all the Apache files need to go I imagine it's not under /var/www for security reasons?

Re: Frontaccounting installation - What file to run

Personally, I would dump this XAMPP/LAMPP/whatever package and go with the apache, php and mysql packages from the official repo.

Re: Frontaccounting installation - What file to run

Check where the httpd.conf resides - in debian it is in /etc/apache2/sites-available/* from where it gets symlinked to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* when a2ensite sitename is executed or it can be manually done and apache2ctl restart issued.