Topic: Databaseerror

Databasefout : could not retrieve security roles
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'deb61120_fa1.fa_security_roles' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM fa_security_roles WHERE id=2

Re: Databaseerror

Which version of FA are you using?
What is the Host OS (Windows / Linux), WebServer (IIS/Apache) ?
Have you created your MySQL user, database and assigned appropriate privileges to the user for the database and flushed privileges to make the changes visible / usable?
Did you install any of the sqls for company 0 manually or did you go thru the full install with proper file and folder permissions?

Re: Databaseerror

I guess you have broken database for some reason, fa_security_roles table is missing.
Try install FA again checking carefully system tests results presented on first installer page.
When the problem will rise again, try using numeric prefix instead of 'fa_'.