Topic: Error in £ sign in comment on sales invoice.


I am using mysql version 5.6.13. After upgrade of server, I am getting this error if I use £ sign in any of the comment box in frontaccounting.

DATABASE ERROR : order Cannot be Added
error code : 1366
error message : Incorrect string value: '\xA3540' for column 'comments' at row 1
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 0_sales_orders (order_no, type, debtor_no, trans_type, branch_code, customer_ref, reference, comments, ord_date, order_type, ship_via, deliver_to, delivery_address, contact_phone, freight_cost, from_stk_loc, delivery_date, payment_terms, total) VALUES ('1354','0','59', '30','59', '','auto','£540','2013-09-19', '1', '2','A & S Sweet','376 Katherine Road\nLondon\nE7 8NW', '', '0', 'HO', '2013-09-20','8','30')

Re: Error in £ sign in comment on sales invoice.

I very much doubt that this is a bug. It looks more like a database setting. The database (or table) is using a charset which doesn't include the £ character. Changing it to UTF8 should do it.

But I recommend that you do a proper database dump before changing anything. I don't know how (or if) FA's backup script deals with changes like this, so have a look at my answer to your post about backups.

Re: Error in £ sign in comment on sales invoice.

I sorted out by changing mysql server "character-set-server" parameter to "Latin1"