Topic: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu


This is my first post on front accounting, so hello everyone.
Am attempting to setup frontaccounting on linux mint . I have LAMP running successfully already.

Should I go ahead and install from the repos ? . If so after installation what should I do to get started. Searching for installation and setup seems to lead me only to versions installed via tar.gz sources.

I would prefer to stick with the repos - with the thought that version updates will be smoother ? and I won't have compatibility issues with my general OS / LAMP setup.

Second - would be happy to hear from users in India and also Non Profit organizations using frontaccounting - about their experiences etc.

look forward to hearing


Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu


As far as I am aware, FA is not included in any PPA/Repos.  (I am of course happy to stand corrected if some here knows different).

I know what you mean about using the "Repo system" generally (and particularly so when using a splendid OS like Mint) to keep things tidy, up to date, and compatible, but would have to say that the "repo-system", whilst on the a whole is really quite good,  is far from perfect and requires a very great deal of work on the part of the maintainers, as the nature of the beast tends to require different repos for each and every version of the operatying system. This is one of the reasons why we often find that many official repos have really quite old versions (and in some cases abandoned and no longer maintained versions) of some software packages still within them.

For my part, I'd love to think that at least one day I would be knowledgable enough to be able put together a Deb package which would include a combination of say Tasksel and FA, but this whole "monday to friday thing" does tend to rather get in the way of things..................


Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

FrontAccounting is available both in Debian and Ubuntu repositories, but this is quite ancient version (2.2.10), so I guess you would like just install latest tarball from project site. You can also use git/hg repo clone and update your installation with 'git/hg pull' when new minor FA releases are available.

Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

Hi Xero Janusz is available in the repos,

so from what Janusz says the latest frontaccounting is quite many versions off.

while I am willing to work with older versions of most stable software - it seems to me that newer software have way more significant changes as they mature which makes a case for getting the newer versions,

So i think i will go with the sourceforge version

Question two - any links to a installation guide for Linux (mint )


Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

Just read install.html file attached to every FA release tarball.

Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

Install the old version from the repo, replace the /var/www/frontaccounting folder contents with the latest one and purge the database and install from the web browser.

Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

Hi Muthu

and reasons as why not to just install the tar.gz and to start from the repos ??

also not sure about the purge database business ?


Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

i had uninstalled frontaccounting and it broke my lamp setup -

this is the error
"apache2: Syntax error on line 234 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/conf.d/frontaccounting.conf: No such file or directory
Action 'start' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.    [fail]"

am reinstalling frontaccounting from the repos and hope apache gets up and running again

Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

This is the error i get finally when synaptic fails
"E: frontaccounting: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"

seems like from this thread

its better to uninstall the synaptic version and go for the sourceforge version


Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

Install the old version so that the files and folder permissions and apache configs will be okay. Now update to the latest code from Sourceforge.
Empty the database using phpmyadmin or some other mysql client. That way the db user for the FA db will exist. Now install from the web GUI.

Re: Query - How to install from repos in Linux MInt / Ubuntu

Don't bother with the repo version at all. What happens if someone ever packages a more recent version, and your package manager attempts an "upgrade"? After all, it won't know that you've replaced the files with newer versions.