Topic: downloading modules directly - possible ?

new to FrontAccounting

i read that some modules are remotely downloaded during install

"From release 2.3, Chart of Accounts, Modules/Extensions, Themes, Custom Reports and Languages are installed/activated from inside FrontAccounting. The files will automatically be downloaded from a central Repository when installing."

however, i'm not sure my company will allow remotely downloading stuff, it might only allow direct uploads and installs

are the modules available for direct download still or is it only remote now?


Re: downloading modules directly - possible ?

That is the reason why I have created my unofficial repo. Download and use offline - will be slightly outdated though.

Re: downloading modules directly - possible ?

1. how do you manage to create those modules, given that they are not available now as separate packages? how do you mirror them (the site is pw protected)

2. is there a way to get the latest versions of the packages? would always want to be on top of any fixes, etc

thanks so much smile

Re: downloading modules directly - possible ?

Latest version of all available packages are installable directly in FrontAccounting application. Really I don't know what you mean by 'password protected'. If you have any problems with your company policy, just install FA on your home box, install the packages, and you will find all the current source files in 'modules' directory. That's all.

5 (edited by apmuthu 09/14/2013 03:38:58 am)

Re: downloading modules directly - possible ?

There appear to be no changes in the theme and chart files available in the site from 2013-08-21 to 2013-09-09. There seem to have been some changes made in these on 2013-09-04 and 2013-09-07 which did not persist thru till now. Any corruption in the said repo?

Also the textcart pkg seems to be packaging md5sums of the .git folder as well in the _init/files file.

The username is anonymous and the password is password for the site and is available in version.php file.

The latest (2013-09-09) version of the repo in zipped up form is available for download at my unofficial GitHub repo.

Post's attachments 63.6 kb, 7 downloads since 2013-09-14 

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Re: downloading modules directly - possible ?

Oh yes, of course you can say the repo is public password protected wink.

There were no changes in themes and charts packages in mentioned period. Latest repo has updated Spanish/Chile translation, and two extension modules: Dated Stock and Textcart.

You are right regarding sparse checksums in control file -they will be removed on next repo update.
