1 (edited by wildone 09/07/2013 02:57:28 pm)

Topic: Search pro to discuss and install for a dutch company

Hi, we search a professional in frontaccouting who can explain several questions we have before we start an installation.
Is there someone of you well-known with setting up frontaccouting for dutch companies and is able to do this for us.
At this moment our complete webshop is written in MYSQL-PHP (oscommerce based) and we have a terrible data communication with the stand-alone Snelstart accounting software.
We need a good replacement for it. But before starting installation it would be more efficient to discuss this with a pro.
And after that sessions if we are agreed the pro should install the package and makes the settings.
Also we need some scripts to develop to get the rigth data into frontaccouting.

Re: Search pro to discuss and install for a dutch company

There is a module to integrate OSC and FA, but I don't know if it's any good. For one thing, I believe it does this by working directly against the databases. Which is fine if both systems are installed on the same server. Otherwise, one of the databases must be accessible over the network. Anyway, it might be something to work from.

I would, however, suggest that you start by defining what you really need and what you can do without.

I use Prestashop and what I do is write each sale to a file on the PS server, to be imported into my local FA by a daily cron job. That only gets me journal entries, which is fine as I have no inventory to worry about. The goods are shipped from the manufacturer and the web server creates the invoices during checkout. I only have to book the payments when they arrive, which is fairly painless using quick entries.

At some point I expect to have to implement some form of accounts receivable support, but... At the time I couldn't make sense of the web service implementations I found, so I settled for a cURL-driven import using a plugin from the FA repo. If you take payment online in OSC you shouldn't need the AR bit, but if you plan on using FA to keep track of your inventory you will probably need to create a sales order/invoice.

3 (edited by wildone 09/08/2013 02:11:49 pm)

Re: Search pro to discuss and install for a dutch company

TM thanks for your reply.
We run several shops that are recognized by a shop number. Within the actual accounting prog it is described as a project.
I already discover that projects are possible in FA. And also saw a solution for importing data directly from OSc into FA.
It is sold by cartbooks.com . Cost almost nothing and it is written so the developer wrote in PHP. This is for us great.
We can then rewrite the code for the orders + purchase orders as well as for many other stuff that also should be in the accounting environment.
So we are already positive about FA, still curious if there are some Dutch FA users who will share there experience with FA.

4 (edited by denise 01/03/2014 04:44:01 pm)

Re: Search pro to discuss and install for a dutch company

Hi Wildone and others,

Did you manage to implement the integration OK? If so would you be willing to share your experience here on the forum? We are considering to implement FA with one of the (anterp) ecommerce bridges and phpPOS bridge as well.

Did someone also manage to get VAT (BTW/ICF) reporting work OK and is someone working on integration with the Dutch IRS (belastingdienst) and banks to automatically load MT940 files into FA for reconciliation (afletteren) purposes?



Re: Search pro to discuss and install for a dutch company

Why don't you try the latest codebase from the mercurial repo or just use the difference file set to overwrite the v2.3.19 files?
Attached is the changed fileset after v2.3.19 was released.