I can add the custom fields into the stock_master table and also able to show the fields in items.php. But when I want to add an item, it won't because I have not updated the insert into statement yet.
Error message : Field 'long_description_1' doesn't have a default value
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 2_stock_master (stock_id, description, long_description, category_id, tax_type_id, units, mb_flag, sales_account, inventory_account, cogs_account, adjustment_account, assembly_account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, no_sale, editable) VALUES ('P3612', 'Venice Blanco', 'df', 'dfw', 'gg', 'fgdsg', '1', '1', 'ea.', 'B','4020', '1520', '5020', '1520','1520','0')
I looked through the sql folder. It looks like it is only for creating tables when I create the company. It looks like it uses a function called submit center to add the new row. When I looked into this submit center function, it does not take me to the insert statement. Where is this insert statement supposed to be? Where is the location?