Topic: Textcart Git lag

The TextCart AddOn in the Official Git seems to lag the PKG available for install. Has the Git development stopped for it or moved elsewhere?

Re: Textcart Git lag

What do you mean (I'm the author of textcart)  ?

That the official package (the one you can download from FA) is behing the git repo or the opposite ?


Re: Textcart Git lag

hooks.php is available in the PKG downloadable from inside the FA Web GUI but not in the Git Repo.
The Git repo version stands at 2.3.9-1.0 whereas the PKG version is 2.3.9-3
Hence the Git Repo version seems to be lagging behind the PKG version.

Re: Textcart Git lag

Actually, the git repo is ahead the PKG. I've removed hooks.php file for some reason.
The version is not up to date either but I think it's because I think's the version on the PKG is done automaticaly and doesn't depend on the actual version in the git repo.

So basically, the PKG hasn't been updated from the last GIT version.


5 (edited by apmuthu 09/05/2013 06:58:44 am)

Re: Textcart Git lag

Both versions of Textcart (Git and PKG) files have been extracted and zipped for comparison. All files in both are same (checked with WinMerge)  except the config file where version numbers are different and the PKG version alone has the hooks.php file. If the Git version without the hooks.php is the later version, then please clarify on whether it is needed at all.

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Re: Textcart Git lag

Everything is fine then ;-)

Basically. I don't use the hooks.php because I have a patched version of FA. The hook file is there do redirect some normal FA file to the textcart version. Janusz did it when he packaged Textcart. The git repo of Textcart is what I use to push stuff so Janusz can update the PKG from it. I would say the official version is the PKG one with hooks.php and is up to date. The Git version is not mean to be used as it, it's just a way of communication between me and Janusz


Re: Textcart Git lag

Thanks Elax. That settles it for the record then.

Re: Textcart Git lag

I've just update Textcart to be in sync with FA 2.3.18, so at the moment the PKG is behing the GIT repo.


Re: Textcart Git lag

Latest package version is already available.