Topic: Creating and editing vouchers

Hi all,

I am novice to this application. Is there any place to configure the Voucher types and add extra type if needed. Basically I need to create 4 types of vouchers for my organization, Payment and Receipt Voucher for Bank and Cash respectively.

Re: Creating and editing vouchers

Please look around in the Bank Accounts. There is a subtype used for Bank accounts.
There are no GL type for Receipt and Remittance. These are only another words for deposits or payments.

It is not possible to add more types to FrontAccounting than those already there.


Re: Creating and editing vouchers

Thanks Joe for the clarification smile

So I understand that we need to add a bank account for transactions related to cash and set the sub group as 'Cash Account' rite.

Re: Creating and editing vouchers

Yes, please read the Wiki at the and try the demo or training Co. This will give you an idea about how to solve things.


Re: Creating and editing vouchers

Hi All,

Please help how can I reflect the discount received on remittance.
I want the discounted price to appear on the remittance print out.
Thanks in advance.