Topic: Change of fiscal year

I have what I guess is a once in a lifetime problem with the general ledger.  The government here in Nicaragua decided in December 2012 to change the fiscal year as part of a delayed tax reform.  It was originally from July to June, so I have the ongoing fiscal year defined as 1/7/2012-30/6/2013, and I have already entered transactions in 2013. Now the fiscal year 2012-2 was reduced to 6 months (July to December) and the new fiscal year is from January 1st 2013 to Decmber 31 2013.

As far as I cen see it, there is no way to change the ongoing fiscal year so I can reduce it to 6 months.  And if I go in and code it manually, probably all the posts for 2013 will get lost.

Seems the only solution is to close the fiscal period 2012-2 manually outside the programme and then close again in end June 2013 and open a new fiscal year of only 6 months for July to December 2013.  Not an ideal solution.  Would anyone have a better suggestion?

Re: Change of fiscal year

I think you can do this manually in phpMyAdmin. Make the endyear in dec 2012. And change the newyear accordingly. You might have to close the old year again if it have been closed already.

I don't recommend doing this outside FA, so please make a backup first. But this would make your situation easier.


Re: Change of fiscal year

Well I did it in Mysql on a trial verison, and it seems that everything is OK and I can close the year afterwards.  So I will now do it on the real version - of course after making a backup first.

Re: Change of fiscal year

hey m using FA in India i have a big problem with fiscal year setting .... i want to setup this fiscal year ....16/08/2013 as beginning  date & end date is to 31/03/2014 as our accounting year end on 31st march every year . So please tell me the procedures for setting this fiscal year

Thank you

Re: Change of fiscal year


Please look into the wiki .
