Topic: Sales invoice and other Related Reports


Is there a way to maximize the number of lines of Items that can be printed per paper? Like 30 Items per page


Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports

The documents use the file /reporting/includes/ for printing .


Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports

What line in the code should I edit??

Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports

The reports are optimized, so next report page is generated only when there is no free space on first page. The only way to have more item lines on every report page is using smaller font size. You can do it e.g. changing fourth parameter to FrontReport call in report file (e.g. you can change '9' to '7' in lines 68 and 88 of rep107.php for sales invoice).

Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports

Even if I made the fonts smaller, the number of item lines are still the same.

Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports


Help Please

Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports

Sorry, it works for me, I can't help more. Maybe anybody here has any ideas on this subject?

Re: Sales invoice and other Related Reports

Clear browser cache and try again.