Topic: Item not displayed in Sales


I have created a sales item but it is not displayed in the sales order/ quote/ or Direct Invoice.

I have maid transactions against the Items before and all of a sudden it is on the item and inventory tab but not on the sales tab. It is also displayed under the purchases.

What could be the issues. It happens quite often that it does not pull through to sales.



Re: Item not displayed in Sales

Is the item active or has it been excluded from Sales ? (both options setable in the edit item page)


Re: Item not displayed in Sales


Thanks for the quick response.

The item is active and it is not excluded from sales.

I have checked the database through phpmyadmin. I had to manually create the items in item_code.

the table item_code does not contain the item_code nor stock_id at all. I presume that this is the table that will be displayed in the direct invoice stock or item list.

The stock_master contains the stock_id and the Prices contain the stock_id with all the detail of the items. Why would it not create the info in item_code?



Re: Item not displayed in Sales

Does anyone have any idea? It is quite urgent to get a resolution on this?




Re: Item not displayed in Sales

setup company tab see if the search field is checked for items, customers, suppliers. Also try to do a refresh and see if the company/#/js/*.js files need to be refreshed.

Re: Item not displayed in Sales


Thanks for the response.

Have tried it all. Nothing. Even if I log out and log in again the item is appears the item list, on the Supplier documents but not on the sales quotation, order, or direct invoice.

Can not figure out why it is not creating the item in the item_code table.


Re: Item not displayed in Sales

the table item_code does not contain the item_code nor stock_id at all.

What do your mean? You really mean the *_item_codes table structure does not contain 'item_code' nor 'stock_id' fields?
Or just item_codes record was not created in the table when adding new item on Items page?

Re: Item not displayed in Sales


Yes the *_item_codes table structure does not contain 'item_code' nor 'stock_id' fields in the table when adding new item on Items page.

After creating the item and adding the selling price, I presume that the item will now be created in all the tables to be used for all purchase and sales.

Not entirely sure at which stage what should happen.

All I can deduct is that when new item is created, it is allocated to the *_stock_master table and when price is entered the item price is created in the *_prices. I am not sure at which stage it will create or is suppose to create the information in the *_item_code table.



Re: Item not displayed in Sales

The respective record in *_item_codes is created in the same procedure which creates *_stock_master entry (i.e. it should always be created when you create new item on Items page). Please set $go_debug=1 in your config.php file and try item creation again (this shoud reveal any hidden error messages in case of any problems found during item creation).