Topic: Item Code Not displayed in Stock list on Invoice or direct Invoice


I have three companies set up on my installation. In the main company the stock item code is displayed with the stock item description for all user types.

In the second company the item code is not displayed with the description for two user types. For admin it is displayed.

Please advise what could be the cause.

Using 2.3.16


Re: Item Code Not displayed in Stock list on Invoice or direct Invoice

This is per user setting, so it have nothing to do the role or company setup. Just select whether you want to have item codes displayed or not in Preferences (DisplaySetup screen).

3 (edited by seahawk 05/28/2013 02:41:53 pm)

Re: Item Code Not displayed in Stock list on Invoice or direct Invoice

Thanks Janusz. I have now realized that these settings must be set before access levels are set for users. It seems that one needs to log in on each of the user accounts to set the stock codes. If it is done in admin it is not set for all users in the display tab.

If users do not have access to the setup tab, then they can not change their display settings. Salesman only have access to sales tab and items and inventory tab.

I went into the user table through phpmyadmin and set it there.

