Topic: Eco Tax

On some products I need to charge Eco tax which is NOT a percentage of the value but a fixed value depending on the product.

So for example:

I have a product selling at €10.00 exc VAT(18%) and has €0.23 Eco tax. 

This will sell €10.00 + €1.80(VAT) + €0.23(ECO Tax) = €12.03

Is there a way to configure such a tax scenario ?

Thank you

Re: Eco Tax

Yes, there is. Look in the Wiki, about tax on tax. How to do that. You will fnd the issue under 'First Steps, Tax System Configuration'.


Re: Eco Tax

No, EcoTax is out of scope of tax system in FA which supports various mutations of VAT and/or turnover tax. Anyway you can handle the tax defining it as separate item (tax report will not include it anyway).


Re: Eco Tax

Sorry Ninu, I misunderstood you
