Topic: In report 'GL Account Transactions', sales order hasn't been displayed

I am wondering is the GL transactions for the sales order can only be showed after the customer invoice is generated? I thought once I made a sales order then that will go into accounts receivable ...

Re: In report 'GL Account Transactions', sales order hasn't been displayed

No, it will only mark the items as ordered. There is nothing else changed in the business so far. Please talk to an accountant about this.


Re: In report 'GL Account Transactions', sales order hasn't been displayed

joe wrote:

No, it will only mark the items as ordered. There is nothing else changed in the business so far. Please talk to an accountant about this.


Thanks very much Joe, what about after I confirm and make a delivery? still need to make the invoice for the customer in order to see the GL transaction right?

Many thanks!

Re: In report 'GL Account Transactions', sales order hasn't been displayed

If you have the GRN account clearance enabled, then the receival will produce a GL transaction.
